Ways to Save Money When Buying Tyres for Your Vehicle

Choosing the right vehicle, motorcycle or three-wheel tyres in Sri Lanka can be a difficult task. You want to make sure that you are getting a tyre that is in good condition and will last, but also at an affordable price so you don’t spend more than you need to. There are ways to do this.

Tyres can be quite an expensive accessory when they need replacing, and it is important to make sure you get your money’s worth when buying them. If you look at motorcycle tyre prices in Sri Lanka, you will notice that they can be quite on the high side.

One of the most common ways to save money when buying tyres for your vehicle is choosing second hand options. These can be found online or in a garage, and can cost anywhere from 20-50% less than brand new ones, which will really add up over time. If there are some minor marks on a tyre then this won’t have too much impact on how they perform, so going with slightly older models that have been used before doesn’t mean they’re not safe anymore. It also means that if something does happen while you’ve got these tyres fitted (like a puncture) it’s easier to find replacement parts as people choose old styles rather than new ones in order to save money.

Some tyre suppliers also have special offers on occasion which you can make the most of to save money. These sorts of deals are usually for limited time periods, however, so you will need to act fast. The easiest way is just asking the supplier what they’re offering at the moment, or if there’s a particular tyre model that comes with some sort of discount (which will depend on your car make and size) then this can be worth buying too.